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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Camping in the Uintas

Back in Mid-June we took a camping trip up to the Uintas.  The Mirror Lake Highway wasn't open yet, so campsites were pretty easy to find.  We drove as far up as we could, which ended up being just past Slate Gorge, then turned around and headed back down the highway.  A stop at the Duchesne Tunnel was great to stretch our legs.  We took some additional time to throw some rocks into the water. 
Further down we set up camp, made a fire, and enjoyed the evening. 
It ended up being a beautiful night. 
The next day we packed up camp, then went for a hike up Hoyt's Canyon.  When I was a kid, I went hunting up in the area with my dad, so I wanted to come back. 
 We wandered around and enjoyed the cascading water, the open aspen forests, and being in nature. 
We ended up at one of the ponds on the west side of Hoyt's Peak. After throwing some rocks in the water and taking a break, we turned back down the slope.  I was amazed that it was Fathers Day weekend and there were still snowdrifts at 8,000 feet. 
As we hiked back, it was amazing to see the light green aspen trees against the darker background of the pines.  It was a beautiful hike (My wife would tell you otherwise, but that's another story for another day.  I think the phrase she's come up with is "Bushwhacking with Ben."). 
Nearest City: Kamas, UT
Location: N° W°
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