About Us

About Us

As a family, we love getting out and exploring the world around where we live.  Since traveling to exotic locations is generally beyond our budget, we make up for it by thoroughly exploring our little corner of the world.  We are frequently asked about places to go and things to do, and we love sharing our ideas and adventures with others so they too can be more active and engaged in their own neck-of-the-woods.  We have 4 kids (7 and under) so we understand that getting out for the weekend can be tricky, but just getting out of the house helps everyone be happier.  Finding the motivation to plan, prepare, and pack to make it out the door to enjoy the beautiful weekends can be a daunting task, but having a destination in mind greatly simplifies the remaining tasks needed to get up and go.
Each weekend you can have simple plans that will make wonderful memories for years to come. Start now!  You never know what memories are waiting to be made! We understand that time and money can be tight, so we strive for local ideas, free or inexpensive activities (we'll throw in budgeted splurge activities occasionally too),  fresh perspectives, and reviews of our favorite tried-and-true gear, planning tools, and tips-and-tricks to help make your weekend awesome.
We started our blog in 2008 as a way to keep our family living out of state up to date on our adventures as we started moving around, but later realized it could be a great resource for others who are looking for an active lifestyle full of learning and fun.
We are both natives of Utah, but have since lived in Colorado, Arizona, Kansas, and are now residing in Northwest Florida along the Gulf Coast.  We have had so many wonderful opportunities to explore the amazing sites of the United States, and we have learned that no matter where you are there are great things to see and do.  We want to help you get out and going and exploring.
If you are looking for ideas of things to do, motivation to get out and explore, or are just getting started and need ideas for how to begin starting your own simple weekends stick around and we will share lots of great information with you!
~Ben and Ashley


  1. Where is the trail to Diamond and Star Lakes?

  2. May I ask what lake you were fishing for golden trout at in the Wind River Mountains? I know you try to keep these things secret, but I can't figure it out and I'm pretty familiar with that area.

    1. Send me your email address and I can discuss. I’m not going to post it online (your email address or the location). I can then email privately.

  3. If you are interested I can show you a few more. The site in Traces of Fremont I know. And a couple of others. Looks like you found a few that I didn't know about. Happy hunting.
