Silver Reef is a great place to visit. It's a ghost town now, but at one time it was a thriving mining area. It's claim to fame is that it's the only place in the United States that had silver in sandstone.

Only one historic building is still inhabitable- the Wells Fargo Building. The area does have several newer homes that have been built, but several ruins and mining artifacts are scattered in the vicinity. The Wells Fargo building contains an art gallery and museum.

I only remember the Wells Fargo building on earlier visits, but this time we discovered numerous other ruins, some to the north, some across the street, and others to the west of the Wells Fargo Building.

The ruined walls and foundations are all that is left from what once was a decent sized town.

We found where 8 or 9 other buildings once stood.

It was also fun to find other little reminders of what was once here. My favorite was a tin cup that was in a pile of rusted cans.

This looked like part of a mine hoist.

Near the old foundations of what used to be a bar we saw countless glass and ceramic shards.

If you visit, please don't collect artifacts and keep them for remembrances!
Nearest City:Leeds, UT
GPS Coordinates: N 37° 15.192 W 113° 22.025
Time Needed: 1 hour
Difficulty: Easy
Kid Friendly: Yes. Except for the cactus.
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