One of my favorite planes was an old Curtiss "Jenny" Biplane. These were the planes used by the old barnstormers in the 1920's. One of the volunteers told us that this one can still fly, but that they'd need a $1 million insurance policy if they took it out.

I also liked the B-25 Mitchell Bomber. This type of plane was used in the famous Doolittle Raid of Tokyo in WW2. It's not as big as I thought it would be, but launching a bomber from an aircraft carrier is still an amazing accomplishment.

One last display is a replica of the first atomic bomb.

One last thing. Sometime in September they have their Open Cockpit Day. When they do, they allow visitors to climb up and look into the cockpits of several of the planes.
Nearest City: Roy, UT
GPS Coordinates: N° W°
Time Needed: 2 hours
Time Needed: 2 hours
Difficulty: Easy
Kid Friendly: Yes
Additional Info: The Museum is open 9-4:30 Monday through Saturday. http://www.hill.af.mil/library/museum/
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