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Friday, March 4, 2011

Ford Canyon Falls

We recently picked up a book detailing the trails and sites of the mountains above Centerville. It's been a great addition to the collection and has added numerous additional places to hike to. For those interested in obtaining a copy, you can check it out of the Davis County Libraries, or buy a copy at Centerville's City Hall. It's called Tales, Trails, and Sites of the Centerville Mountains, written by Royce Allen. One of the first sites we decided to visit were the waterfalls at the mouth of Ford Canyon.
We drove up 1825 North as far east as we could, parked the car and started hiking. The hiking was pretty easy- it was less than 1/4 mile to the first falls. The lower cascade was pretty. We spent a few minutes, then hiked back up the hill to find the upper falls.
The upper falls are a few hundred feet further up the mountain. They are quite impressive.
We approached the falls from the top and saw that it was 2-3 drops, but not all in a line.
It was hard to view from the top, so we scrambled down the hill for a better view. The best view was from either halfway down the hill, or from the bottom of the falls but a ways back.

Up close, the falls didn't quite look as impressive as from a distance.

Nearest City: Centerville, UT
GPS Coordinates: Upper Falls: N 40° 56.353 W 111° 52.070
Lower Falls: N 40° 56.350 W 111° 52.157
Parking: N 40° 56.417 W 111° 52.240
Time Needed: 1 hour
Difficulty: Moderate (some scrambling)
Kid Friendly: Lower- yes. Upper- questionable
Additional Info: The book we had indicated that the falls are on private property and the owners like to receive notice before people visit them. We didn't see any signs indicating "No Trespassing", or find a number to contact the owner to ask for permission. If you do go, please be respectful of the property. If you do have contact information for the owner, please leave a comment and I will include it!


  1. It is private property do not trespass signs are posted and are often removed as vandals tear them down. Rocks are unstable above the falls it is not recommended. I respected the signs, the others who did not were ticketed.
    Please respect private property and remove your recommendations and photos.
    Try duel creek south in Centerville.
    Happy trails

    1. Rik,
      Thanks for your comment and respecting the property. My post (made over five years ago) mentions that the falls are on private land and should be respected. I stand by that recommendation, as well as my analysis of the upper falls being questionable (due to unstable rock as you mentioned). If you have contact information for the property owner, I would love to publish it. At the time of my visit, nothing was posted, nor appeared to have been recently. If other readers, such as yourself, find that this has changed they would do well to contact the property owner beforehand. I agree with you that Deuel Creek above Centerville is a worthwhile hike.
