The entrance is mostly barred off, but has a few bars purposely left off to allow people access. This is great fun for average sized people and kids. If you're large in stature, you might not make it through.

Once inside, you can explore the cave. Be sure to watch your head, and to be mindful of where you put your feet as well.

We got a little muddy!

Nearest City: Hatch, UT; Duck Creek Village, UT.
GPS Coordinates: N 37° 34.103 W 112° 35.275
Time Needed: 30 minutes to explore
Difficulty: Moderate
Kid Friendly: For some.
Additional Info: Exploring the tube requires some squeezing through small spaces. Not recommended for the claustrophobic! Banging your head or shin is pretty easy to do in there. You may be crawling through mud. Some people may want a jacket inside to cave.
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